For Richer or Poorer?
It has come to my attention that the richer are continuing to get richer and the poorer are continuing to get poorer. I know this is a much discussed topic but I have been thinking about this a lot. I think the best way to battle poverty is not to throw money at it, but to create more jobs. They don't have to be well paying jobs but just jobs. Apparently Bush doesn't realize this. Instead of actually battling domestic problems, he decided to take American tax payers' money over to Iraq. Please Bush, why can't you realize that Iraq is not much of a threat. Saddam didn't have a beef with us, but Bush seemed to believe he did. Oh yea, look at what you have done GW, you've made Iraq about 5 times more unsafe than when Saddam was in power. Incase you didn't realize this, fear is a great political tool. If you have money and have people fearing you, then you're set. Fear and money is one great combination. Now I'm not sure if that would work at all in the US, but in other countries like Iraq or Cuba it would work greatly.
The down side to having jobs in the military is that you could easily get killed. It would in a sense be taking away jobs because people are getting killed by a madman in the White House.
Dionysius, at 1:36 PM
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