Real thoughts in text

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Lies in our government

The fact of the matter is, and not to be extremely radical, that we never landed on the moon with the Apollo space program. It is just another lie molded into our society. In addition to the lies, it has come to my attention that racism is at a high. I'm not referring to the discrimmination and prejudice against blacks, but the hate for people in countries from the middle east such as Iraq. This isn't really hate for them in my mind, but just fear. I recently saw the movie Team America:World Police. This movie was great, but it also represents, in little ways, what common Americans think of more "third world" countries. For example, all this bullshit about flushing a Koran down the toilet is appalling. It would be like flushing a dog's tail down a toilet. It may like its tail, but it ultimately is just a distraction with no true point.


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