Trading Spouses
Did anybody catch the beginning of tonight's episode of Trading Spouses??? I didn't either because Bush was giving a horendous speech. He said that we will remain in Iraq until we solve the problem. I think we're looking at another Vietnam with this approach. Even the audience made up of soldiers hand-picked by the White House didn't like what he was talking about. He was making bogus comments about how we need not forget about what's going on in Iraq in order to stop terrorism. I hate to break it to you Bush, but fighting in Iraq will not end terrorism even to the closest extent. Incase you didn't notice, there are terrorists in every reach of the world. My question is what do terrorists really want. I know that all this blowing up shit is to scare us and create a panic, but why? What could they possibly recieve through creating a mass panic? Please, somebody comment about this and tell me. I'm really out in the cold with the whole concept of "terrorism." Call me stupid but I just don't get it. If I were president (which I hope to be sometime in the future), I would try to find out what terrorists want, and would try to bring peace between everyone. There is so much tension in our world right now. We are in desperate need of a president who is really dedicated to his job, like Mitt Romney!(Just kidding)
"I'm really out in the cold with the whole concept of "terrorism." Call me stupid but I just don't get it. If I were president (which I hope to be sometime in the future), I would try to find out what terrorists want, and would try to bring peace between everyone."
Who are terrorists? What do they want? Terrorism is a label attached to the actions of a person or group who attack civilians in an effort to achieve a political objective. People like Osama bin-Laden do not make distinctions between soldiers and civilians. All are legitimate targets. Terrorism is not a new concept. Many around the world argue that the US has committed numerous acts of terror. The terrorism that our country encountered on 9/11 is part of a larger war that is being waged against the West by jihadists who believe that Islam is at war against Christians and Jews. How would yuo respond to these holy warriors who want nothing less than the destruction of Western Civilization?
elodea, at 9:54 PM
Thank you very much for your explanation, I really had no clue about their goal. The only answer to your question I can provide is that I don't know. Honestly I haven't been thinking what I would do but now I think it is necassary to think up some possible solutions, which may be impossible.
Dionysius, at 4:57 PM
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